Crash course on Labradorite – Labradorite was rediscovered in the town of Labrador, Canada. The mystical stone of labradorite was used in the 1700s and also in the ancient times. The Inuit peoples claimed that the stone is connected to the Northern Lights – Aurora Borealis. Labradorite is a common stone with extraordinary metaphysical benefits. The light and color within the stone is said to represent the hidden and unseen realms.
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Labradorite is a magical stone for mystics, diviners, healers and shamans. This stone helps to improve psychic and intuitive abilities. It aids with accessing the higher self, balances the higher self, and aids in reaching goals of the higher self. It is also a powerful protection stone that is great for the crown chakra, helping to understand the higher dimensions.

Labradorite can be plain green or can sometimes be dark and almost grey looking, but when it catches the light, you can see the magic inside. Labradorite makes great jewellery and also decor for your home. The way that the Labradorite minerals grow in layers is the reason for the colors and beautiful light refraction.
How it grows:
The way that the Labradorite minerals grow in layers is the reason it refracts light in such a beautiful way. This refraction is called ‘labradorescence’. This beautiful stone can be found in Italy, Greenland, Finland, Russia, Canada and Scandinavia. Labradorite calms an overactive mind and energises the imagination. It banishes fears and insecurities, and the psychic debris of disappointment. Labradorite also balances inner sight with the analytical mind. It is also an excellent dispeller of illusions. Labradorite is a favourite of magicians worldwide.
You can often find Labradorite in India. This stone is also a highly mystical and protective stone, which deflects unwanted energies from the aura. It is the stone of esoteric knowledge. Labradorite calms an overactive mind and is a useful companion through change – it prepares the body and soul for the ascension process. The throat chakra is often associated with Labradorite.
Thanks for reading our crash course on Labradorite. A number of our products feature Labradorite. You can purchase products on our website here.